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What Is This Norwex Thing I am Doing?

Chemicals of Concerns in Make up
Chemicals of Concerns in Skin Care


I have had this little side thing called Norwex for the past year and a half. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started. Seriously, all I wanted was the discount and the mop! That said, I have a little problem. Once I start something interesting, I want to know more. And the more I discovered about Norwex, the more I wanted to share what I learned.


To do that, I had to put myself out of my comfort zone and do OMG!! Parties!! Of course, we were getting out of Covid, so the thing with direct sales was FACEBOOK PARTIES! This was a whole new learning curve for me, but I discovered that the more I did, the more I learned. Sure, the extra income was nice (it paid for my new refrigerator in the first six months), but I was making new friends and finding that clean does not have a smell. I thought my home was only clean if I smelled bleach or pine. If I did not see those cleaning bubbles in my sink or tub, no way was it clean.


But even more, I am learning just what is in these household cleaners that we choose at the grocery store. And this week, I watched movie called STINK. I urge everyone to take the hour or so and watch it.


I never gave much thought to what I was bringing into my home. We have always been careful about how chemicals are handled in the nursery industry. Masks and safety suits were worn when spraying or putting chemicals on as the industry became increasingly aware of how toxic these chemicals were.

What Really Is In Fragrance?

Companies of household products do not have to disclose anything to us regarding everyday things like our children’s clothing, our skin care products, and even things like air fresheners. The contents of the terms “fragrance” or “talc” remain a mystery. With no obligation to disclose their actual components, these words could encompass up to 4,000 different chemical ingredients. And they are NOT PLANTS.


Personal care companies are NOT bound by any legal mandate to reveal the composition of their products. Shockingly, the industry remains entirely unregulated in the U.S., leaving consumers in the dark about the substances they may be exposed to.


And this, my friends, is my new WHY I am part of the Norwex family. I have not purchased any household cleaners in over three years. Now I am tossing even more things.

My Wake Up Call

You might wonder why she is talking about this on Beyond Behnke’s site. I am not even sure, except this movie was such a wake-up call for me. As I slowly changed our habits at home, I didn’t understand how bad it was.


We live in a world that is full of toxic chemicals. I get it. Many of these things make our lives better. But do they? At what cost? Was my mother’s Alzheimer’s caused by chemicals she used throughout her life? Boy, did she love her makeup and was always buying this or that. I doubt we will ever know. But what has been proven is many of these chemicals have been linked to learning issues and cancer, among other things.


Have I taken everything out of our home? No, not yet. Do I still use paper towels? You bet, but it takes us over two weeks to use one roll when we used to go through a roll in a day or two—little changes.

Stephanie Fleming was raised at Behnke’s Nurseries in Beltsville. Her Mom, Sonja, was one of Albert & Rose Behnke’s four children. She was weeding from the moment she could walk and hiding as soon as she was old enough to run, so many weeds, so little time. Although she quickly learned how to pull out a perennial and get taken off of weed pulling duty.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Stephanie,
    what an informative, powerful, and motivating video (“Stink”). Do you have a plan you could recommend on how one can begin to rid one’s home and life of these chemically-toxic products? I know it will clearly be a huge project and I don’t know where to start.

  2. Hi Susan,
    When I first found out there was a way to clean my home without harsh chemicals, I was skeptical. I mean, really? Just water? But I tried first on my windows and was so amazed that I started using the Envirocloth and window cloth on everything. I still had household cleaners thought. But I kept watching and learning and then signed up as a consultant for the discount and their mop. It took a while to decide I did not need these toxic chemicals in my home. But two years ago, I boxed everything up and took them to the dump to be correctly disposed of. My asthma is history, and our constant headaches are gone. People must look at their lifestyle and decide what works for them. But watching movies like Stink and researching what is in our products goes a long way. I would love to share with you more information about Norwex. You can check out my link here and see more information about the company and some videos. https://linktr.ee/cleanlesslivemorewithsteph
    Email me at sfleming@behnkes.com if you want to chat about Norwex and how to clean your home without toxic chemicals.

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